Welcome to Contact Number UK!
At Contact Number UK, we aim to provide you with a quick way of getting through to all of the UK’s major companies and organizations, ranging from Sky through to HMRC, and from O2 through to Amazon. By using the numbers found right here on this site, you’ll be able to skip the queues and start talking with a customer service rep in a fraction of the time, leaving you free to concentrate on more important aspects of your day.
If you’re looking to contact any company, this is the first site you should visit. We know that we have one of the most comprehensive selections of numbers found anywhere online, so if you can’t find the number you need, you probably won’t find it anywhere. So, why not browse through this site and note down the numbers you might need in the future? After all, you never know when that Sky Box is going to break down, or when you’ll need to upgrade your mobile phone package…
Call companies cheap and direct
The answer to this question is really simple: convenience. You’re probably bored by now of sitting in front of the phone for hours on end, waiting for a customer service representative from a company to finally get round to answering your call. While you’re waiting, your phone bill is going up, and your day is slowly being wasted away, all so that you can tell them about a change of address, or order that new phone you’ve had your eye on.
It’s also often the case that companies charge extortionate fees for calling them, as they choose to use the ludicrously priced 0871 or 0872 numbers. Even worse, they could have a number starting with 09, which will see your phone bill shoot up in just minutes. At Contact Number UK, all of our numbers are 0843 numbers though, which are far more affordable.
It’s also the case that we represent a much better alternative to the commonly used 118 numbers, which are undoubtedly convenient, but have you ever checked their call charges?
Why not find the number at Contact Number UK instead, and then wipe huge amounts of money off your next bill? It’s just common sense, isn’t it?
So, if you need to call any of the big companies in the UK, take a look through Contact Number UK first. When you do, you’ll find that you get a much faster service, often at a much reduced price!
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How are the numbers at Contact Number UK used?
The numbers found at Contact Numbers UK are incredibly simple to use. Just look up the number for the company you need, then tap it into your phone. You’ll then get straight through to the company you need to speak to. If you’re searching on a mobile, you can also simply click on the number and have it dial automatically.
What are the call charges?
All of the numbers on this site are 0843 numbers, therefore meaning that they cost no more than 7p/minute from a BT landline. This is far cheaper than the charges levied by other types of phone numbers, which are used by many of the bigger companies throughout the UK. The fact that you spend far less time on the phone also means that costs are drastically reduced.
Why is a company not listed?
We aim to provide contact details for every major company in the UK, however there will be times when one has not been added yet. If this is the case, check back soon and it will hopefully have been added to our database. Alternatively, you can contact us and see if we are able to help you out.
Can these numbers be rung on mobiles?
Yes, they certainly can. As already mentioned though, it is better to ring via a landline, as the call charges will be much less. Of course, there are certain situations where using your mobile to make a call is unavoidable though.
Are there any catches?
No, there are no catches at all. We are here to help you get through to businesses without the huge waiting times, and that is the only thing we do. Why not try us out today and see how we can help you?
At Contact Number UK, we’re dedicated to making sure you don’t have to waste your time and money on phone calls. So, why not search through our selection of different phone numbers and find the one that you need? Search. Call. Talk. It really is that simple!
Which Companies Do We Have Numbers For?
We aim to provide numbers for all of the biggest companies in the UK, and we are constantly updating our records to include new companies, or companies that our visitors have a demand for. At the moment, you’ll find hundreds of different contact numbers listed on this site, and they are all accurate and sure to get you straight through to the people you need to speak to.
As you might imagine, there are some companies that people want to contact more regularly than others, either because they have a bigger customer base, or because they might not provide the highest quality of service. Some of the more commonly called companies include:

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What Are the Advantages of Getting Through Quickly?
Getting through quickly to a customer service has many advantages, however the biggest is undoubtedly the time it saves you. It’s now unknown for some people to stay on hold for over an hour, just to ask the simplest of questions. Think what you could do with that hour though? Then there’s always the chance that you get cut off after waiting on hold for ages, meaning that you need to call back and again join the back of the queue. If you’re cut off during a call from one of the numbers found at this site though, you can simply call back and be connected again almost instantly!
Saving money is the other advantage. Although calling from a 0843 number does have a charge attached, it is nowhere near as high as some of the other charges found when contacting various businesses. When these high charges per minute are combined with the long waiting times (remember, you’re charged for being on hold, not just talking to a representative), the costs can become astronomical for you.
So, Contact Number UK saves you money and time, which certainly can’t be a bad thing, can it? Why not look through our numbers right now and find the one you need?
Why Call These Companies?
There are many different reasons why you might want to call a company, all of which are as important as the other. The problem is this though: regardless of why you are calling, loads of other people will probably be doing the same thing, meaning that you get stuck in a long, long queue. With Contact Number UK though, you won’t find yourself in this queue, as you’ll be put straight through to a customer service representative, and get your query answered incredibly quickly.
Most calls to companies are for simple administrative tasks, such as changing an address or contact number with them. These calls can take seconds, however they are transformed into minutes, or even hours, by the wait before they are answered. Many people also call in order to make a complaint, to upgrade their package to something better, or to simply find out some more information on a specific product or service.
Of course, there are also genuine emergencies when people call as well, especially when they are calling a governmental agency, such as the CSA or HMRC. When these occur, you really don’t want to be fretting in a queue – you need answers quickly. Quick answers are exactly what you’ll get when you use a number from Contact Number UK though, which is another reason why people find this site so useful.
Why Do Companies Normally Take So Long to Answer?
This is the big questions many people ask when it comes to the customer service of different companies, and there are two main reasons for the length of time it takes to answer a call when you have a query, want to make a complaint, or need some advice from a customer service representative.
The first big reason is simply the volume of customers they have. When a business has customer numbers in the millions, even a small percentage calling is going to create a backlog. When this is combined with the fact that no company wants to spend extra money on hiring additional staff members, the cause of the problem becomes pretty clear. This high call volume only increases during specific times of the year – such as when people are trying to contact Sky before Christmas, or when people need to talk with HMRC on tax deadline day.
The other reason is money, as many of these companies are making money from your calls. The reason? They have premium rate phone numbers, and a percentage of the call cost will be paid to them. So, it makes financial sense for them to keep you on hold for as long as possible. Even if every one of their customers only spends a couple of minutes on hold every year, this could lead to millions of pounds in revenue for them. Don’t let them take even more of your money though – call them direct through one of the numbers found on Contact Number UK instead!
What About Calling from a Mobile?
It is a commonly known fact that calling from a mobile is usually much more expensive than calling from a landline, and this is certainly the case when calling most of the big companies. Therefore, you should always ensure that you call from a landline, unless you are in a real emergency (or you’re trying to call your phone company because your landline is not working).
At Contact Number UK, we try to keep our call charges as low as possible, however it is an inescapable fact that they will be higher when using a mobile. It is worth checking with your mobile company though, as they might include 0843 numbers within their call package, which would certainly be a fantastic bonus!
The basic point to make here is this though: don’t risk getting bills that are higher than they need be. Instead, always try to call using a landline.
Overall though, it really doesn’t matter what you need to contact a company for, as you’ll always be able to get through to them via Contact Number UK, regardless of your query, complaint or problem. Just find the number you need, tap it into your phone, and you’ll be speaking with someone almost instantly!